Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Compliment

While reading the Douglas County News and came across this great compliment in the Letter to the Editor Section. And, speaking for myself, I deeply appreciate the wineries who offer entertainment. Henrys, in particular, make their annual Celebration a splendid day for a family outing. Some years ago, we offered pony cart rides and today I believe the 4-H groups offer horse and pony rides. This is terrific for town kids who can't have their own horse. That is only one of the activities - the display by the Kite Club was spectacular when they joined the Celebration. Each year is different and always wonderful. This comes up in August and is not to be missed Molly Dow Thank you for your support Molly!!!


  1. Just read in Model Aviation that the Dawn Patrol will be on the Henry estate in August - I think that is a fantastic opportunity and want to thank you for hosting such an event.

    Jeff Whitney

  2. Thanks Jeff! We are excited and honored to have them here. Look for more information to come
